Black Midge 20 Both
Grey Midge 20, 22 Both
Black Stone Fly 14, 16 Little Juniata River



Blue Quill 18 Both
Blue Dun 20 Both
Blue-Winged Olive 18, 20 Both
Hendrickson 14 Spruce Creek
Red Quill 16 Spruce Creek
Grannom Caddis 12, 14 Both
Black Caddis 16 Little Juniata River
Green Caddis 14 Both



Blue Quill  18, 20 Both
Blue Dun  20 Both
Sulphur  14, 16 Both
March Brown 12, 14 Both (spotty)
Gray Fox 12, 14 Both
Green Drake 10 Both (lower  J.R.)
Slate Drake 10 Little Juniata River
Slate Drake 12, 14 Spruce Creek
Blue-Winged Olive 14 Both
Ginger Quill 12, 14 Little Juniata River
Light Cahill 12, 14 Both
Tan Caddis 14, 16 Both
Yellow Crane Fly 16, 18, 20 Both



Yellow Drake 12 Both
Blue-Winged Olive 14 Little Juniata River
Blue-Winged Olive 16, 18, 20 Spruce Creek
Blue Dun 20 Both
Sulphur 16, 18 Both
Slate Drake  10 Little Juniata River
Cream Cahill  14, 16 Little Juniata River
Tan Caddis 16, 18 Both
Cream Caddis 16, 18 Both



Trico 22, 24 Both (spotty on J.R.)
Little White May Fly 28 Little Juniata River
Blue Dun 20 Spruce Creek
Slate Drake 14 Spruce Creek
Cream Caddis 16, 18 Both



Trico 22, 24 Both (spotty on J.R.)
Little White May Fly 28 Little Juniata River
White May Fly 16 Little Juniata River
Slate Drake 12 Little Juniata River
Slate Drake 14 Spruce Creek
Winged Ant  20 Little Juniata River
Gray Caddis 16, 18 Little Juniata River



Slate Drake 12 Little Juniata River
Slate Drake 14 Spruce Creek
Blue-Winged Olive 20, 22 Both
White May Fly 16 Little Juniata River
Blue Dun 20 Both



Blue-Winged Olive 20, 22 Both
Blue Dun 20 Both
Blue Dun 14 Little Juniata River
Slate Drake 12 Little Juniata River
Bronze Crane Fly 12, 14, 16 Little Juniata River
Tan Caddis 18, 20 Both



Black Ants 8 to 18 Both
Beetles  12 to 20 Both
Crickets 14, 16 Both
Hoppers 10, 12, 14 Primarily Spruce
Inch Worms 14, 16 Both

 * Terrestrial fishing starts in late May and can be productive well into October.